Mata Kuliah : Law in International Business
Dosen : Dr. Shidarta, S.H., M.Hum.
Tanggal : 7 Mei 2013 (Kuliah Minggu VIII)
Topik : TRIPS dalam Hukum Perdagangan Internasional
Metode : Tatap muka (F2F) dengan presentasi dan diskusi
è Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right
The emergence of approval of TRIPS in a round of GATT,
Uruguay basically, international trade is the impact the condition of an
increasingly widespread and knew no national boundaries. Country who first
proposed the TRIPS are United State, was as anticipation argued that WIPO
(World Intellectual Property Organization) which under PBB, incapable of
protecting Property Right Intellectual in international trade market will lead
to be negative
The pros and cons of TRIPS
- Departing from the weaknesses of the WTO, the United States attempted since 1982 include issues of the Intellectual Property to the GATT
- For developing countries, intellectual property income initially resisted, they argued that intellectual property rights discussed in GATT is not appropriate. GATT multilateral trade forum is, while intellectual property rights do not have to do with the trade.
- The existence of international trade in the country argued progress depends on the progress of the technological benefits, including the protection of Intellectual Property Rights, so the close relationship between the two countries, then finally the member states may receive TRIPS as the part of the WTO.
Trips agreement:
- TRIPS is one of the topics of the 15th issue of GATT and apply after approval of the Uruguay Round on December 15, 1993 and being ratified, April 15, 1998 in Morokko, North Africa by 117 countries
- The adjustment was not only concerned the completion of legal products, but also new IPR (Intellectual Property Right), with other supporting infrastructure with a time limit of 5 years applies effective TRIPS.
Apparently, TRIPS has several
objectives to be done. First of all, increasing the protection of IPR of the
traded product available. Next, guarantee implementation procedures PRI not
hinder trading activities. After that, formulate rules and disciplines
concerning the implementation of the protection of intellectual property. Furthermore,
principles, rules and mechanisms of international cooperation to deal with
trade goods, forgery or hijackers on IPR.
are four principal of TRIPS setting either mentioned in international trade
law. First, the arrangements relate to the concepts of the intellectual
property rules of international trade. Second, the settings which require
Member State to comply with the Paris Convention and the Berne Convention. Third,
setting the set rules or provisions. And last, arrangements relating to the
enforcement of intellectual property law.
To understand
clearly about the TRIPS, the principles of TRIPS are:
Free to determine è
give freedom to its members to determine the ways considered appropriate to
apply the provisions stipulated in TRIPS.
Intellectual Property Convention è requires its members
adjust legislation with various international convention IPR
National treatment è granting equal treatment in
relation to IPR between protection given to its own citizens with that given to
citizens of other countries.
Most –Favored-Nation-Treatment è expediency, favor, privilege or immunity
granted by a Member State to the citizens of other countries should be also
given to citizens of other members.
Exhaustion è
requires that its members in resolving disputes, not to use any provision in
any agreement of TRIPS as an excuse not to its optimal setting intellectual
property rights in their country
Substantively, TRIPS what I learnt helps us protecting the
intellectual Property Right as long as the Rights has been ratified either way.
I believe that this session may help me to understand how TRIPS helps citizens
with their Intellectual Property Rights. More or less, TRIPS basically
monitoring the trade globally to watch our IPR limitation.
TRIPS in WTO has mainly great role. Describe what
are those!
Do you think that IPR may able be resisted
without TRIPS? Explain!
Endang Purwaningsih, 20012, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual [HKI] dan Lisensi, CV.
Mandar Madju , Bandung, ISBN : 978-979-538-393-2
Huala Adolf, 2005, Hukum
Perdagangan Internasional, PT.
RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta, ISBN : 979-3654-55-4